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Why is Evening Primrose in My Dog Shampoo?
Oct 18, 2023
It smells just as lovely as it sounds, but there is even more to this special ingredient than meets the nose. When looking at the back of dog shampoo bottles it’s not uncommon to see ingredients that you don’t recognize, but it’s always refreshing to see one you want to know more about, especially when it sounds as magical and lovely as “Evening Primrose.” Evening...

Four Ways to Pamper Your Pet's Paws
Oct 10, 2023
Whether your dog is a salon regular or you are her at-home groomer, paw care is a daily must-do. Your dog’s pads and nails are sensitive and require babying (just like she does!) with a simple, four-step routine. Protect What’s the weather like? Before you head out for a walk, ask yourself if you’d be comfy barefoot. If not, your pup wouldn’t be either. To...

How Can I Bond with my Dog During Bath Time?
Oct 02, 2023
Anytime you and your dog can have fun together, you’re building your bond. But there is actual science that backs up why bath time is a perfect time to create a stronger, happier bond with your pup. And it has nothing to do with which dog shampoo you use. Have you heard of the “love hormone,” oxytocin? It’s responsible for warm-fuzzies, for feeling happy and contented--in both...

The Best Dog Shampoos and Pet Conditioners for Every Type of Coat
Sep 27, 2023
It is Sunday afternoon and you’re at the local mega-pharmacy in the hair care aisle on a mission to discover a new (hopefully life-changing) shampoo and conditioner. You peruse the vast selection, always keeping one critical piece of information at the forefront of your mind: your hair type. Whether fine, coarse or curly we all know our hair type and only buy products formulated to...

The Dog Treats Show Dogs Swear By
Sep 22, 2023
If you’ve ever watched a dog show - or been in one - then you are familiar with the copious amount of dog treats that go into getting that perfect hair-do, stance, and smile in the ring. In fact, treats are behind many of the amazing things that dogs do. As they say, behind every good dog is a good bag of treats. (Well if...

The Power Food That Works Inside and Out
Sep 15, 2023
Chances are, you’re up on all the uses for coconut oil. From serving as a healthy fat and alternative to cooking oil, to softening your cuticles and ankles, to conditioning your hair… there’s almost nothing coconut oil can’t do! But, did you know that your dog can experience all those same benefits, too? Here are some pet-friendly benefits of coconut oil: As a food supplement A...

11 Things All Show Dogs Have in Common
Sep 12, 2023
When the Best in Show dogs go through the ring, the breeds look as different as they could possibly be. From size and shape, to coat and gait, the seven groups of dogs could not be more varied, but beyond their looks there are many things they have in common: They love what they do. A show dog can’t make it to the top without...

Get That Fresh From The Groomer Glow At Home!
Sep 04, 2023
Get salon results at home with Isle of Dogs' dogs shampoo! Here are some pointers for an at-home bath. You might need a helper, definitely have towels ready and dress knowing you are going to get wet. It’s very helpful to use some type of hose attachment for the tub, sink, or shower you’re using. While you can use the bucket method, it’s important to...

Can I Give My Puppy a Bath?
Sep 01, 2023
As a wee pup, your dog’s mother would have taken care of all their hygiene needs with careful, thorough licking. Now, as a new pup at home with you, they still need help to maintain their skin and coat health.