Welcome to Isle of Dogs - where every dog shines! We are pleased to offer you only the best for your pet. Welcome to Isle of Dogs - where every dog shines! We are pleased to offer you only the best for your pet.


Isle of Dogs | Healthful Beauty Blog

The Best Dog Shampoos and Pet Conditioners for Every Type of Coat

It is Sunday afternoon and you’re at the local mega-pharmacy in the hair care aisle on a mission to discover a new (hopefully life-changing) shampoo and conditioner.  You peruse the vast selection, always keeping one critical piece of information at the forefront of your mind: your hair type. Whether fine, coarse or curly we all know our hair type and only buy products formulated to...

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Isle of Dogs | Healthful Beauty Blog

11 Things All Show Dogs Have in Common

When the Best in Show dogs go through the ring, the breeds look as different as they could possibly be. From size and shape, to coat and gait, the seven groups of dogs could not be more varied, but beyond their looks there are many things they have in common: They love what they do. A show dog can’t make it to the top without...

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Isle of Dogs | Healthful Beauty Blog

Can I Give My Puppy a Bath?

As a wee pup, your dog’s mother would have taken care of all their hygiene needs with careful, thorough licking. Now, as a new pup at home with you, they still need help to maintain their skin and coat health.

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